

Positive Discipline is a leadership program developed by Dr. Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lott based on the work of Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs and designed to teach young people to become responsible, respectful and resourceful members of their communities.

Positive Discipline is a way of interacting with all human beings (not just with your own children).

It is based on the following Adlerian principles:

  • The human being is a social being.
  • The human being has two basic needs: the need to belong, to feel part of a group and the need to feel important, to feel that it can contribute.
  • Every human being has its own private logic.
  • Every behaviour has a purpose.
  • Mutual Respect as a basic concept.


Positive Discipline teaches important social and life skills in a manner that is deeply respectful and encouraging for both children and adults (including parents, teachers, childcare providers, workers and leaders).

Several studies show that people who are living effectively and who are outstanding in many walks of life are characterized by unusual strength and adequacy in the following perceptions and abilities

  1. Perception of personal capability—capable of facing problems and learning through challenges and experiences. “I am confident of my personal capability when faced with challenges.”
  2. Perceptions of personal significance–capable of contributing in meaningful ways and believing that life has meaning and purpose. “I believe I am personally significant and make meaningful contributions.”
  3. Perceptions of personal influence over life—capacity to understand that one’s actions and choices influence one’s life and hold one accountable. “I have a positive influence over my life; I take responsibility for my choices.”
  4. Intrapersonal skills—capacity to manage emotions through self-assessment, self-control and self-discipline. “I have strong intrapersonal skills and I manage my emotions through self-awareness and self-discipline.”
  5. Interpersonal skills—capacities necessary to deal effectively with others through communication, cooperation, negotiation, sharing, empathizing, and listening. “I have strong interpersonal skills and I am able to effectively communicate, negotiate, and empathize with others.”
  6. Systemic skills—capacity for responding to the limits, consequences, and interrelatedness of human and natural systems with responsibility, adaptability, flexibility, and integrity. “I am able to adapt with flexibility and integrity; I have strong systemic skills.”
  7. Judgment skills—capacity for making decisions and choices that reflect moral and ethical principles, wisdom, and values. “I have well developed judgment skills and able to make decisions with integrity.”


Positive Discipline helps develop these perceptions and abilities in our children, students and teams.


The Positive Discipline leadership model fosters developing mutually respectful relationships. Positive Discipline teaches adults to employ kindness and firmness at the same time, and is neither punitive nor permissive.

The tools and concepts of Positive Discipline include:

  • Mutual respect.  Adults model firmness by respecting themselves and the needs of the situation, and kindness by respecting the needs of the other person.
  • Identifying the belief behind the behaviour. Effective discipline recognizes the reasons people do what they do and works to change those beliefs, rather than merely attempting to change behaviours.
  • Effective communication and problem solving skills.
  • Discipline that teaches (and is neither permissive nor punitive).
  • Focusing on solutions instead of punishment.
  • Encouragement (instead of praise). Encouragement notices effort and improvement, not just success, and builds long-term self-esteem and empowerment.




  • The methodology used during the trainings is based on experiential learning.
  • Positive Discipline focuses on changing beliefs, not behaviours.
  • Positive Discipline will give you effective tools and strategies to use when negative behaviours appear (with your child, student or team member).